Chimi and Coori
Chimi and Coori:
“Cool your jets!” Coori exclaimed as an energetic young butterfly zoomed past him. Always on the move, he thought shaking his head. She never slows down to just appreciate the day. Coori has always had these opinions of fast-moving people. A calm and unhurried snail, Coori lives at a slower pace, taking life one step at a time.
“Sorry!” Chimi shouted back over the thicket of wildflowers she had dashed over to smell. Mmmm, she thought, flitting from one flower to the next in a frenzy. Wildflowers were quite possibly one of her favorite things in the whole world. Well, that and the feeling of helping a friend.
Chimi’s passion is health. She loves helping people understand what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle by exercising and eating plant-based food. As a very spirited young butterfly, she has learned to channel her energy to motivate others. Whether it’s a new exercise class for Sam the Squirrel to help him prepare for winter, or an individualized nutrition plan for Ola the Otter that is based on the natural chemistry of her body, Chimi loves helping her friends.

Coori, still reeling from his near-death experience with that obnoxious butterfly, made his way to his favorite rock. He has been saving money each week to eventually buy a rock that he can call his own; by his estimate, he should have the money within a week or so. Coori has always known the importance of financial health. Even as a child, he’d save his money while his friends spent theirs any chance they got. To Coori, the most important thing you can have in life is balance. By setting goals and working towards them, he has always achieved what he wants while maintaining what he needs.
Just as Coori began to settle into his rock and relax, Chimi came crashing down and skidded to a stop on the rock. “What the heck?!” Coori said annoyedly.
“Woahhhh! Sorry, I’m still working on my landing,” Chimi replied. “Hi, I’m Chimi! It’s nice to meet you!”
“Hmph,” Coori grunted, “I know who you are. You’re always running around with that squirrel, making lots of noise.”
“Yeah! That’s Sam. I teach him how to exercise. I’m a health coach you see. So, I help a lot of animals in this park get healthy by teaching them about what plant-based foods they should be eating. I could help you if you’d like!” Chimi said.
“Well, actually I am a coach too,” Coori responded, surprised that they had anything in common. “I help people with their financial health. Mostly I show people how to see the future and be goal-oriented.”
“That’s amazing!” Chimi said. “Finance and health are both so important. Maybe we could work together sometime. I think that if we pooled our resources we’d be able to make a difference in more people’s lives!”
Just as Coori was about to respond, Chimi shouted: “Got to go!” and she was off, bounding into the trees. I can’t believe this, he thought, but I think she is right. And with that, a beautiful, new partnership was born.